Wednesday, May 26, 2010

To The Moon, Alan

Chris' new wife has been corrupted yet again, as originally seen back in the original You Gotta Have Hearts storyline. As this is a repeat of the events which led up to the original placement of the wedding date, there is some probability that this story has been in the works for five years now. It's all very exciting. Maybe we'll even find out how exactly the phrase "I'm all heart" worked to free Arcadia.

But let us move away from these action packed sequences and move back to a more sedate region, where a bewildered audience continues to fret over the outcome. Where a certain Alan, possibly continuing to make googly eyes at Deepskyfrontier, no doubt continues to wear his favourite shirt beneath his suit. A shirt supposedly depicting the very celestial object upon which he is currently standing.

This shirt, this moon-shirt if you will, was recently described to Bobby as having been bought because the picture was mistaken for a golf ball. There is a contradiction here- once upon a time Alan told Terrence Baum that the picture was in fact drawn on by hand. There is the further matter that Bobby claimed that it looked like one of Mickey Rooney's balls, when it has previously been surreptitiously demonstrated that Mickey Rooney's naked arse bears a very good resemblance albeit in a different colour. It's worth also noting that a naked posterior is frequently referred to as a "moon."

All these factors add up to one thing: confusion. But it is a tantalising confusion, one that suggests exciting possibilities. Did Alan purchase a shirt while mistaking the image for one of a golf ball, and later mistake the label to be making reference to the lunar moon rather than Mickey Rooney's moon? Did he come to like the shirt so much that he made another one by drawing a picture on a plain shirt? It's a mystery.


zgeycp said...

Between 2004 and 2010 some tricksy sneakster (deepskyfrontier?) has sold Alan his own shirt.

deepskyfrontier said...

It wasn't me. I don't sell shirts. In fact, if I meet someone that sells shirts, I express disfavour towardst them.

Coreyarty said...

An overturning of the order of events I would have expected, and a rather interesting proposoal considering Bobby's old habit of selling shirts.

zgeycp said...

Spaceball is back in the strip!

With any luck his conversation with Chris will last us another week.

deepskyfrontier said...

Sometimes I just run the other way for an hour.

zgeycp said...

Will Spaceball's crime turn out to be something completely benign?

And which alien civilization will Chris ruin this time?

deepskyfrontier said...

I'm gunna take a wild shot in the dark and say, "Conehead Civilization."