Sunday, May 16, 2010

Holy Matrimony, Batman!

There are no words. There ARE NO WORDS. I'm going to try and write some anyway.

After all this time, the moment of Chris and Arcadia's marriage came upon us with such unexpectedly sudden rapidity that we are left blinking in shock. When Dark Boardy first peshed in and foreshadowed the upcoming wedding, I doubt I was the only one to take it as just another reference to some future point which may never truly come. He was scared away, a new future Boardy was introduced, it was all jolly good lighthearted Superosity fun. There was no solid indication that anything substantial was to come of it.

So when events continued to pile up and almost immediately snowballed into the moment itself, one can't help being stunned. None of the usual cues were present. When it came to it, there was none of that heavy-handed dithering and procrastination that you see in other, lesser productions. Superosity eschews all that with cunning parody- Chris becomes stunned at news that ALF is going to be rebooted and doesn't snap out of it until the very moment that the mishap could have spoiled the event. Then, when he does snap out of it, it's with the cliched scream of "objection" that has haunted so many fictional weddings since the day one such exclamation managed to single-handedly double the length of Jane Eyre. Only it's the ALF reboot he's objecting to, not the wedding itself. Our cultural expectations are both met and ridiculed. Well done, Superosity.

Yet what we are seeing here may be a moment just as disconcerting as a reboot- it may be that Superosity has discovered its heavenly origin. I do not think so, I think Master Crosby has the talent to naturally integrate these developments into his work with seamless aplomb, but we are left watching and waiting and maybe worrying a little. Perhaps we can at least feel reassured by Arcadia's assent with the use of a time-honoured Superosity catch phrase.

Still, for all that, there are no words.


deepskyfrontier said...

Fun fact: the 16th of May is exactly 10 years after the day they met. I'm trying to find exactly where they set the date for the wedding. It wasn't an exact date, it was some number of years.

deepskyfrontier said...

Another fun fact: the unidentified person in the first frame- the one that Alan is looking at, is me. I had to tell someone :)

Coreyarty said...

Yowsa! And the ten year anniversary just happened to land on a Sunday! Talk about fate... or extremely elaborate foreplanning.

I was afraid to mention that person because I figured I would work out who it was supposed to be later on. Are you sure it's not just some zany obscure celebrity? Are you a zany obscure celebrity?

Coreyarty said...

Oh, and here's the last mention of a date for the wedding that I know of:

I know they set a date with Boardy at some point earlier, but I can't remember what storyline that was.

Sgeo said...

Sgeo said...

Interesting, that's the arc where the nano-robotic hearts problem was introduced.

deepskyfrontier said...

When I read the comic last November and realized it was going to be on a Sunday, I pleaded nicely with Chris to let me attend in caricature and he said yes!

Coreyarty said...

The pattern was two posts each! You've ruined EVERYTHING.

But anyway, thanks DSF and Sgego.

deepskyfrontier said...

Technically... it was still my turn! :)