Monday, December 1, 2008

All The May'r's Look-Alike Kid

Alan's newfound brother has a passing resemblance to the mysterious Mr. Mayor. Are hairstyles hereditary? If not, they should be. Alan could be revealed as having mayoral blood, the next in line for the position of Super City Mayor!

Wistful speculation aside, I have made a disturbing observation. In response to my query about Bushes, the great zgeycp pointed me in the direction of the superfluous Bush's death. Further exploration then revealed to me this little guide. It clearly states that the dead Bush was Hobo Bush. It's Baseball Bush who is supposed to be dead. Yet the most recent Bush storyline names the living Bush as Hobo Bush, and demonstrates that he has memories of Hobo Bush's first meeting with Chris. Is this a continuity error, or is there an extra stage in the storyline that I am unaware of? I must take the long trek through the archives to find out.

No, surely it isn't a continuity error. If there's no Hobo Bush resurrection storyline already in place, this must be intended as the seed for a future plot. Surely. Superosity is flawless.


Chris Crosby said...

Sunday strips almost always lie.

Coreyarty said...

Sir! I hope you're not saying that Alan's Famous Indian Screaming Lizard hasn't had an appearance that counts since he kept Hedrick awake!

Anonymous said...

The fact that I completely missed that Sunday strip fills me with shame nonetheless.

Coreyarty said...

Don't worry, while browsing for Bush links I found that I had for some reason skipped a day and missed that most recent episode of Alan's Famous Indian Screaming Lizard. It was a nice little treat to have a new comic to read, but I'm at a loss to explain how I survived that particular Sunday without reading Superosity.

Chris Crosby said...

Alan's Famous Indian Screaming Lizard drifts into another dimension when he falls asleep, and his Sunday appearances show his life in that other dimension.

So those all totally count.

Anonymous said...

Sounds reasonable.

J. said...

You mean this never really happened?

Anonymous said...

Ally's back! Hopefully this is all part of another plot in her understated quest for fame.

Coreyarty said...

Looks like she also tried to integrate her plot to get Bobby out of his clothes.

Anonymous said...

Any comment on the new Alternate 2009 Brian "Kato" Kaelin storyline?

Coreyarty said...

Yeah, I have lots of comments about lots of things. I particularly like alternate Boardy faking his own vaporisation to marry alternate Arcadia. I just can't seem to muster up the energy to type the things that need to be typed.

But soon. Surely, soon. Maybe after we've seen whether there's anything left to this storyline.