Friday, May 1, 2009

What Is Superosity, Anyway?

Superosity is delicious. It is the very essence of joy. When life gets me down, Mrs. Brown, and things seem hard or tough, it's Superosity which brings things back into perspective. When I'm feeling pimply and my knees are turning blue, it's Superosity which eases my nervousness. A cure to despair procured from a strange man in the unexpectedly dusty corner of a garish casino. Superosity is a full pack of cards and each one a Joker. A wild ride to the legendary all-you-can-eat buffet with nothing but seafood. And ice cream. As sobering a dose of unreality as half a bottle of gin swallowed in one gulp after a hard day in the salt mines, the remainder of the bottle being reserved for after you've vomited up the first half.

Without Superosity, the world would be a cold place indeed. It is hard to imagine how humanity ever existed prior to its creation.


zgeycp said...

This is an understatement.

zgeycp said...

This is a criminal understatement.

deepskyfrontier said...

I agree with zgeycp. You deserve to have prison bars installed the metaphysical matrix of your very soul, so that the prison of your punishment for making this colossal understatement may be constantly with you, wherever you go. Or, you could wear vertical stripes. That would be okay too, I suppose.

Coreyarty said...

Understatement is the hip and happening thing. It's the British brand of cool. It's the only way to express yourself if you ever hope to score with the Queen.

deepskyfrontier said...

Actually, that explains a awful lot. I was genuinely mystified, as one who finds himself on an upside down small watercraft (a boat perhaps) and is not aware that it is upside down, and is then required to "drive" said boat for some non-trivial distance. Even if you get the engine started, you still fail to understand why that little fan thing is so small. And dangerous, when you try to touch it, even very gently. My point is, it makes such an super-abundant amount of sense that you actually *meant* to engage in such rapacious understatement, and also, that you were motivated to do so by queen-love. I apologize for my upside down assumption of your intentions.

deepskyfrontier said...

Seriously, your blog is the second most awesome thing on planet. Keep up good works. I am now subscribe. And dude, monetize. I'm super curious about what kind of ads Google will put next to Superosity Makes Me Gay blog.

Coreyarty said...

Unfortunately, the ads would be so successful that the resultant weight of my bank account would collapse the entire world.

I'm gonna go tell my mammy that two different people other than myself commented in one of my blog posts. She'll be so impressed that she might give me an extra large slice of chocolate cake.

deepskyfrontier said...

Your statement implies that you were going to get a slice of chocolate cake anyway, and that having multiple commentators is entails a suspiciously compensational cake-size increase. Would not the non-existence of commentators warrant a larger piece of cake? Conversely, would there not be a lower overall call for cake in the event of larger numbers of commentators, assuming that both cake and commentators are positive factors? I must admit, cakenomics is not a strong suit of mine.