Friday, May 30, 2008

A Link to the Present

I have mixed feelings about the hallowed halls of Superosity deigning to recognise this blog. On the one hand, a few human eyes might witness these tracts. On the other hand, clicking on that link may cause people to be briefly distracted from reading Superosity. The thought makes me sad. People who clicked on that link: please go back to reading Superosity. There is nothing to see here. People who aren't really here can stay as long as they like.

But holy sasquatch! Upcoming teen sensation Marlene turns out to be a very dimwitted 19 year old instead of a slightly dimwitted 16-or-so year old! Given her past infatuation with Bobby, this brings up issues of paedophilia. She is of voting age and he is not, yet their ages remain so close that they seem to fall within a moral grey area. This is a touchy issue that would have many an angry grandmother shake her walking frame threateningly above her head, but Superosity is too brave a strip to fear the repercussions of addressing important issues.

Let us ignore the fact that their ages must have remained in stasis for a little over nine years. This is one of those peculiarities that often occur in serial fiction when there are no live actors involved.

I can not speak for any Superosity-like creations from before what is in the archives, but it is worth remembering that Marlene is the first disposable character to occur in the Superosity archives unless you count Barton, but it took a very long time to dispose of that guy so he surely doesn't count. She is also the first female to appear. She is therefore historic. So historic!

As an aside, has anybody else noticed that Chris (the character) seems to be getting a little smarter? This guy did, and they hadn't even met before. The catalyst of the current story is a similar example. Perhaps Chris has a special power which causes a few extra brain cells to flare up in the presence of media executives. Does this mean he really is a superhero after all?!

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